Having a beautiful and lovely garden is certainly a dream for many people especially if we have a large enough backyard. Usually garden making is executed by gardeners or someone who sells services to create a charming looking garden. You can use their services if you don’t want to be bothered to make one and you have no problem in spending money for that. But for you who like to challenge yourself, you can also create your own minimalist garden easily and cheaply at home, certainly with results that are not inferior to those made by landscaper services.
There are several advantages if we create your own garden, and certainly to create a minimalist garden is also not too difficult. Among them is the cost that we can press because we can choose anything that we will grow in the garden. In addition, working on your own garden can be so much fun and also possible to reduce and even eliminate stress.
Simple and Minimalist Garden
Owning and designing a beautiful and minimalist garden is actually not too difficult, the main thing needed is your own imagination and personal creations. You can get various information or references about the minimalist garden easily on the internet. You can also combine it with other creations or with your own ideas.
In making the garden, the use of the grass is crucial and essential. It is important in order to give the impression of refreshing and natural. Placing the pathway or rocks can also increase the attraction of the garden. Combined with flowers and greenery will make your minimalist garden become more harmonious and alive.
Here are some recommended tips on how to create your own minimalist garden at home with ease and with satisfying results.
Consider the Land Area Wide-scale
Checking and considering the area wide-scale of the garden is the first thing you should do when you are about to create a garden. The extent of the area can determine the choice of theme, concept and also the type of garden to be created. Certainly, it will not be appropriate if the area of your garden is not too broad but the design you make requires a lot of flower and ornamental plants in it.

Create Your Desired Layout Design for Your Garden
We recommend that before you start to decorate a garden and start planting on the land, first create the layout design example on paper or using a computer. Decide also where the location of the garden if you have two vacant land in front and backyard.
If you live in an apartment, you can still take advantage of small land and even a balcony wall as a minimalist garden. And surely tailored to the condition of the building and also your creativity.

Customize Your Garden with Your House Concept
If the theme or concept of your garden is so much different from the theme of your house, it would be very unsuitable and less attractive, right? Therefore, adjust the theme of your minimalist garden that will be made with the concept of interior or exterior of your house.
There are several themes you can choose among them are the theme of classic garden, traditional garden, modern garden, tropical garden and other concept. The minimalist garden can be used for almost any kind of residential concept of residence.

Choose Selected Plants
Your selection of plants to create a minimalist garden is the other element that you should look carefully. Choosing the right plants is very important because those will determine whether your garden has the point of attraction or not. The wrong plant can make the garden look dreadful or strange and unsightly. Last but not least, choose plants that fit the size of your garden area.

Pay a Good Attention to Your Garden Drainage
A well-maintained water channels should also be considered to your garden, so it will not be flooded or inundated when rain comes. It would be better to make the water container to be used to water the plants during the dry season or summer as well.