After a long day of activities outdoors, one of the things we want most is to lie down in our bedroom. Bedroom is not only as a place to rest, but can be the place where fresh ideas emerge. To get this idea, a comfortable room is needed, including the design.
Therefore we need to know how to design rooms to suit our tastes. Even in a state of boredom, we can also change the design of the bedroom to get a new atmosphere. In shaping the atmosphere of the room itself, it’s like a theme that will be used as a concept in arranging or designing the interior. From this concept we can determine what furniture needs to be placed in the room, anything that should not be placed in the room, and how to set it.
By defining the concept, we can make interior design where each piece of furniture or design in the room will look interconnected and look like it fits. Some interior design concepts can be in the form of themes such as classic, retro, minimalist, contemporary and several other themes. The concept or theme of the atmosphere of the room itself does not always have to be the same as the concept of another room from the part of the house. We can set different concepts on our own. Here are some examples of bedroom interior design concepts that you can apply.
Minimalist Room Design
The minimalist design itself originally developed from Japan. The concept of minimalist room space is actually based on the existence of a limited land. Because of all these limitations, we need to find a way that we are able to use a small space with sufficient costs, but are able to produce an interior design that looks elegant, comfortable, modern, and even looks luxurious.
The minimalist concept uses the concept of a room that doesn’t have too much furniture. The less furniture, the more you get the minimalist vibe of the room. Therefore, there is no need to fill furniture that is not so important, but still maintain the beauty and comfort of the room.
Through a minimalist concept, we always try to make the room feel spacious by reducing furniture, so it looks simple. In addition, choose stylish furniture but with simple shape or form for the bedroom. We can also add carpet and wall coloring that can be striking or not. Also add a wall decoration rather than a decorative sitting or standing. For cabinets, choose a simple color that matches the room furniture and not too big.
Classic Room Design
The next way to design your bedroom is to use classic room concept. This classic bedroom design applies a style that uses natural materials with elegant style. Classic design concepts generally do not play much in various types of colors, especially the types of striking colors. This also applies to ceilings, walls and furniture.
Generally the classic style uses a combination of simple colors such as white, cream, and brown. Some also almost apply entirely like wood colors and motifs. The use of furniture is also generally made from wood which is mostly painted in varnish. The average wooden furniture is also carved. In addition to the classic rooms also use the lighting concept of a chandelier. Lighting generally does not use bright white lights but like faded yellow with the light level not too bright.
Contemporary Room Design

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The contemporary concept may be similar to the concept of a minimalist room. This is also because contemporary concept is included in modern design. The main thing in contemporary concept is usually form in spacious rooms. In terms of interior colors tend to display one particular color as the main color. The color also usually uses neutral colors in general such as beige or white. On the other hand, the combination of colors can also be developed on monochrome concepts such as a combination of black and white. Both the colors of the rooms with furniture are made suitable and mutually supportive.
This concept developed in the 1970s. In addition, the concept of contemporary room generally places wide or large glass on the window. While in terms of lighting, the room is usually made bright, either by utilizing lighting or by natural lighting.
The Moroccan-style Room Design

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The concept of a Moroccan-style room actually tends to fancy various colors in both the room and furniture. The concept is to display a blend of striking colors with certain motifs. So in the end the design texture will appear in the form of a mixture of colorful colors that look crowded.
The impression produced by a room with the concept of Moroccan-style is usually romantic and exotic. In the room there can be a combination of furniture colors as the main accent with the addition of unique knick-knacks. For some people who don’t like crowded color combinations, maybe they don’t really like this concept. But in case you want to try variations of the concept, go ahead and give it a shot.
Wooden-style Concept

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The design of wood concepts for interior bedrooms is the next choice. Furniture and fixtures for wooden bedrooms are designed in such a neat and exotic way by applying wood colors and wall paint.
In order to look exotic and beautiful using light brown and old colors on wood with the color of wall paint that is not too bright. And add decorations on the wall or bookshelves to make it look more attractive.
The concept of wood is not chosen by most people, they prefer to design their rooms with a minimalist and simple design. But there’s nothing wrong with you trying this wooden-style design concept. The concept is unique and different from other room designs.
Shabby Chic Concept

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This shabby chic design concept is usually liked by most women, because the concept of shabby chic is designed very simply with touch of soft colors.
In addition, the curtains are of course designed with attractive models such as the design of butterfly or ribbon curtains. For walls, you can use wallpaper with soft colors or use floral elements that match wall paint.
This shabby chic concept is for those of you who like the beauty of the room, especially for the bedroom. With a beautiful design certainly makes you want to linger for a long time in your bedroom.
Monochrome Concept

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If black and white are your colors, then monochrome concept for your bedroom is the right choice. The monochrome concept is designed with two colors mixture—black and white. For beds, furniture, ornaments, chairs, tables, up to wall paint all use black and white.
This design looks very masculine but there is still a warm touch in it. With this choice of two colors, your room will look spacious even though it is filled with various furniture and decorations.
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